23 de October de 2018

Operator will use vehicles in the metropolitan transport for the municipality of Viamão

The Viamão Public Transportation Company, a public transport operator in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre, which operates between the city of Viamão and the state capital will receive 20  NEOBUS New MEGA buses. The vehicles will be in operation by the end of this year.

According to Leonel David Bortoncello, director of the Viamão operator, despite the crisis that hit the sector, the company has been working to maintain the schedule of fleet renewal, providing well-being to its customers. “The choice of vehicles with air suspension and Euro 5 technology demonstrates our commitment to the environment and offering more comfort to people who use public transport”, says the executive.

“The acquisition done by Viamão Company is important because it demonstrates that the new New MEGA urban bus launched this year has rapidly gained the image of robustness, efficiency and low operating costs. It also reinforces the operator's preference for the brand's products, since they purchased 32 units last year, “ says João Paulo Pohl Ledur, the director of NEOBUS.

The New MEGA stands out for the attractive and modern look, extreme robustness, more internal passenger space and economy for the operator. The model supplied to the Viamão Company has 13.200m  total length and a Mercedes-Benz OF 1724 Euro 5 chassis with pneumatic suspension, which provides a smoother ride and more comfort to passengers.

Photo credit: Julio Soares